Elisa Floating Restaurant
Giới thiệu
Welcome to Elisa Floating Restaurant<br /> Ho Chi Minh city's night has it own charm. Now that charm is added with a unique 5 star floating restaurant right on its river bank, at the heart of district 1, where everyone can coveniently gather for a business meeting or a heart warming family get together. A place to come for cusinary discovery, sight seeing relaxation and enjoyment.<br /> If the first time you come to Elisa floating restaurant, we sure that you will feel so exicted and supprised by...
Vị trí tuyển dụng
Thông báo! Hiện tại công ty đang ngừng tuyển dụng, vui lòng về Trang chủ để tìm kiếm nhiều việc làm hấp dẫn.