Giới thiệu
Being the bridge that offers recruitment - job supporting service for 1.3 million labours, nearly 700 training agencies and thousands of businesses in the industry, hoteljob.vn is not only to proclaim the recruiting information from the businesses in this field to the employees but also to provide useful information to help the labours orientating their careers, finding job opportunities as well as exchanging or sharing their experience and professional knowledge.<br /> Hoteljob.vn is also the leading head hunter for key personnel in hotels, resorts, restaurants and travel agents in Vietnam. We are now looking for qualified candidates for our client as follows:
Vị trí tuyển dụng
Thông báo! Hiện tại công ty đang ngừng tuyển dụng, vui lòng về Trang chủ để tìm kiếm nhiều việc làm hấp dẫn.
Quy mô: 25 - 99
Santa Villa, 17 Nguyễn Phan Vinh, Cẩm An, Hội An, Quảng Nam