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Từ 5 đến 10 năm
Trưởng bộ phận/ Trưởng phòng
Tiếng Anh (Khá)
100 - 499
Hành chính, nhân sự
Giới thiệu bản thân
Trình độ học vấn chuyên môn
Đại học Cần Thơ
Ngôn Ngữ Anh - Đại học
2011 → 2015
Kĩ năng
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Quản lí thời gian | |
Training and Development | |
Tổ chức công việc |
Kinh nghiệm làm việc
HR Manager (& Executive Assist ant) tại Ta vu Service Trading Production Joint St ock Company
1/2022 → 8/2023 (1 năm 7 tháng)
Cần Thơ
1.Jan 2022 - Oct 2022: Execut ive Assist ant Act as t he point of cont act among execut ives, employees, client s and ot her ext ernal part ners Manage inf ormat ion flow in a t imely and accurat e manner Manage execut ives’ calendars and set up meet ings Make travel and accommodat ion arrangement s Rack daily expenses and prepare weekly, mont hly or quart erly report s Oversee t he perf ormance of ot her clerical st aff Format inf ormat ion f or int ernal and ext ernal communicat ion – memos, emails, present at ions, report s Take minut es during meet ings Screen and direct phone calls and distribut e correspondence 2. Oct 2022 - Aug 2023: HR Manager (TA - Talent Management & Perf ormance) Develop and implement HR strat egies and init iat ives aligned wit h t he overall business strat egy Manage t he recruit ment and select ion process Support current and f ut ure business needs t hrough t he development , engagement , mot ivat ion and preservat ion of human capit al Nurt ure a posit ive and friendly working environment Oversee and manage a perf ormance appraisal syst em t hat drives high perf ormance Assess training needs t o apply and monit or training programs Report t o management and provide decision support t hrough HR metrics