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With over 8 years in the hospitality industry and over 5 years in the Security Department. During that time, I have gained a significant amount of experiences and such skills as: fire alarm knowledge, investigating CCTV. Incident Report, Monthly and Yearly Report. Create SOP Security and Fire Drill plan. Meeting with all level in the hotel. Training and hire staff Security. Coordinate with other department to make sure the entire security environment in a 5 star hotel. Real experiences and learning new skill are my ability. Please feel free to contact me: 0933946683 or tungsony1989@gmail.com
Security Manager / Assistant Security Manager / Security Supervisor. Professional Environment.
Coordinated with Fire Fighter Police and Local Government to have fire-drill yearly in 2021 successful at Sofitel Saigon Plaza.
In 3-Jan-2018 Hotel Nikko Saigon have a fire incident at garbage at 03:00 AM. My security team and Engineering team coordinated to stop the fire successfully. I have received a green good job form Director of Engineering Department.
TOEIC Certificate 555 Points
nguyendinhhy1961@gmail.com - 0916288766
Phanngocthien1987@gmail.com - 0777639698
Nguyentruongthanh1971@gmail.com - 0769826505